Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Have you Stopped to smell the roses?

"Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they never found it, but because they didn't stop to enjoy it." -William Feather

I don't believe people have a share (as if we can run out of happiness) i believe we make our own happiness and that it is up to me to make my day happy and full of joy. So in other words our happiness is infinite. Its up to me to stop and enjoy the little or the big things in my life.
This is really a meaningful quote because of the thought it places in my head, "What have i missed because i had too much going on that i didn't have time to stop and enjoy the simple things in life?"
For example i have a hammock in my backyard and its sad for me to say that i am so busy that i cant take 15 mins of my day to enjoy the sunlight or to look up at the stars. i have been so busy that i haven't had time to stop and watch is set or rise. Just seeing the sun is pure happiness because its a sign of life. This has made me also think how can i pay it forward to others who haven't found their happiness. I want to be able to show others around me that they too have power and control of their own happiness.
Take a second a think about a way you can find your happiness...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This came to me one night when I looked up and couldn't remember the last time I acknowledged the stars in the sky.

Why complain about what we don't have, when not enough time is spent being grateful for what we've already got?

Thanks for this post.