Thursday, January 28, 2010

Stop it...Please

Just recently I have encountered a month long case of writers block. I was feeling like everything I wrote down had the same tone and similar concept. To most rappers that's not an issue at all because that's what they build their careers on. Some talk about how much money they've got, some talk about how dope their bars are(without ever proving to the masses why. I'm still waiting for MIMS to tell me why he's hot), and others just talk nonsense about nothing but the witty randomness draws people in. In the recent weeks I took a step back and listened to recordings I had done in the past couple of years and had a thought. As much as I have grown as an artist I am still far away from where I want to be. Even though people close to me and others I have shared my music with love the music I've been a part of I couldn't say the same. Not to sound condescending to myself at all but any true artist will tell you they're the worst critic of their own work. Through these past few weeks the reaffirmation of a revaluation has led me to this rant.

Stop trying to rhyme the most catchy words and shocking phrases together if you're a rapper. For R&B and Pop songwriters I propose a question for you, how many times are you going to write about how people get drunk in the club, how girls look in the club, how much money you spend in the club, how much you spend in the V.I.P in the club? Do you live in the club? Lets face a reality, its okay to listen to rich people sometimes to give us hope. If they made it so can I. But for the millions of us who don't have millions, who don't live for the club(or in the club) we need real music that we can relate to. People wonder why Taylor Swift is one of the top selling artists now while others are struggling to sell half a mill in a month. Its not rocket science people, she writes songs that people can relate to(mainly teenage girls in suburbia). But her fans feel like she goes through what they go through. That's the key to success, connecting with your audience and becoming human in your music.

So I say all this to say stop trying to out do the lyrical stylings of whoever or copy someone else's cadence of singing pattern. We already had a Micheal, Jay-z, Beyonce, Madonna, etc. Live your life and write whats on your heart that's how you become great. Honesty will take you alot farther than any variation of gimmicks will. This entertainment field has been merciless since the first deceiving record deal, couple that with the bad economy and the ADD(that's Attention Deficit Disorder if you didn't know)that the industry has brought upon us through the ignorance they've called entertainment and you have a nearly impossible chance of being successful. But that's if you want to play by the rules of the major labels game(which is doing well...right...okay surviving...okay...honestly dying). It is time we return back to when music was pure, revolutionary, diverse, honest. So as I hone my skill to bring a message to the world in a unique manor I urge you to do the same. The world is changing, entertainment is changing, we are changing, since we are the future why don't we change the world(through our music, our films, our art, and our God given creativity)

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1 comment:

Randy Z. said...

following trends will get you attention now, but is it the right attention? It comes down to the whole knowing your market and audience. As you grow, so does your audience; figuratively and literally. When your artistry is true to yourself and when your writing and songs are relevant to your life and your experiences, you're fans will love you more for it. Great example with taylor swift. But master that in hip hop, and you'll find longevity.

great blog, sir.