Wednesday, January 27, 2010

For the sake of a new decade

It's January.
New year. Fresh start. Resolutions, make-overs, goals.
All the cliches apply.

I'm starting to get the feeling that this year might be the one that will determine the next decade.

Musically, this year has to be the one that pushes our goals into a closer reality. I actually feel like I'm working on a deadline, yet have no idea when the final mark will be. All I know is that there's no time left for trying to figure out whether or not we truly believe this will happen and by the looks of it, we've got gold and diamonds, and all the gems you could ever find in a small group of dreamers.

With that being said, I've been having a hard time figuring out what type of sounds need to be created this year.

2009 was all about the innovative - I had the opportunity to bundle together the little chords I knew how to play and have a creative powerhouse like Cliffnotes take my little sketches and turn them into art works of triumph, determination, and beauty. But I know this year I've definitely worn out my baby shoes and I need to stop stumbling around for notes my heart knows all too well. Without question, the sounds for 2010 have to be real - they have to be genuinely crafted out of notes and chords that will not only move me, as a musician, into a different state of mind, but be easily understood by the souls I'm trying to connect with; the souls that the songs we write will one day be a means of identification, persuasion, and perhaps even motivation or enlightenment.

So here's to the mark of a new year and a new light;
to the year that will perhaps change the rest of our lives;
to the year that will change us all;
to the year that will change, no matter what we do to steer it into the direction we're expecting.

Nice to meet you 2010.


Tamika said...

i love this, we are not going to lose momentum for a second!

Randy Z. said...

there's nothing wrong with being a dreamer; but dreams just dream. You sir, are more than a dreamer. You are an achiever; A do-er.

the road to success is often under construction. continue on your path, dreams come true but they dont come easy.